
On the 29th of March, 2017, Shannon Kelly, makeup artist Mariam Marand and I collaborated on an image for Happy Abandon's new album cover: "Facepaint." Eliza, the band manager's daughter, sat in my small studio patiently while makeup artist Mariam from Raleigh painted her face for over two hours. The process involved applying the texture to her face, drying it with a blowdryer, then applying another layer of texture. Once the textured foundation was complete the colored paint was brushed onto the canvas and we began shooting. Below are a few shots which document the process.  

Eliza in the beginning stages of Mariam's makeup.

Eliza in the beginning stages of Mariam's makeup.

Mariam applying more of the white base. 

Mariam applying more of the white base. 

The paints...

The paints...

A closer look at the texture before the color is added.

A closer look at the texture before the color is added.

Mariam adding color...

Mariam adding color...

The whole day Eliza had a stoic look on her face which worked well for the final shot. But we realized she actually couldn't do much else with her face because the paint was so stiff and constricting. 

The whole day Eliza had a stoic look on her face which worked well for the final shot. But we realized she actually couldn't do much else with her face because the paint was so stiff and constricting. 

Shannon with a few final touches...

Shannon with a few final touches...

Eliza and Happy Abandon...

Eliza and Happy Abandon...

Eliza and the crew...

Eliza and the crew...